Black Salt
Black Salt
Witches Black Salt
Ritual Salt
Used for- •Protection Spells •Spell Casting •Removes Bad Luck Hexes/Jinxes •Ward off bad dreams or spirits •Use in bath water when depressed, angry or negative •Keep on your person, desk or chair - to deflect gossip, bullies, rude co-workers •Use in floor wash, cleanse home, front walkway, or ritual area - to rid negativity •Cast a line across door or window - to keep out evil, avoid unwanted company, reflect slander or jealousy back to source •Throw into a fire along with your worries written on paper to rid of them •Sprinkle liberally on items - to ward off bad memories or attachments to
REMEMBER: Black Salt absorbs negative energy. So change up, or sweep up weekly by grounding it into the earth, throwing it into the wind (away from you) or washing it away in flowing waters